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The Thriving Illinois Kids Engagement Systematic (TIKES) Center

The Thriving Illinois Kids Engagement Systematic (TIKES) Center creates a unified education and research center focused on maximizing healthy developmental progress and social capital formation for the children in the state of Illinois. TIKES is the medical-home model that harnesses the power of information technology to identify and then deploy interventions to assist families and children at-risk for developmental social capital and thus future health and educational disparities. Building on existent cultural and family strengths, TIKES is longitudinal, developmentally focused, cost-effective and culturally relevant. TIKES focuses on digital health intervention development and population and chronic disease management and health costs. Since its inception in 2011, TIKES has undertaken more than $50 million in externally funded research.

Digital Health Intervention (DHI) Development and population health: Dr. Benjamin W. Van Voorhees developed CATCH-IT (Competent Adulthood Transition with Cognitive, Humanistic, and Interpersonal Training), a primary care/internet-based adolescent-depression-prevention intervention in 2002 (N=14) and obtained funding (Centers for Disease Control) for and completed Phase 1 (Centers for Disease control, 2002-2004), Phase 2 multi-site dose/feasibility randomized clinical trials (K-08, NARSAD and RWJ Foundation support, N=83,2006-2011 ), Phase 3 (NIMH RO-1, N=369, 2011-2018) and phase 4 (PCORI, 2019-2027, NIMH, 2020-2025, PCORI 2022-2028). This intervention development has been supplemented by additional work, including the development of ethnically adapted versions of CATCH-IT: Chicago Urban Resiliency Building, (CURB, RWJ Foundation, 2010-2013), Chinese youth “Grasp the Opportunity” (Hong Kong Jockey Club, 2011-2014, phase 3 clinical trial completed), mainline China (trial under way), Arabic (clinical trial underway) and French versions (under development). HE also worked to develop peer-to-peer support and successfully conducted a randomized clinical trial (“Psychobabble”, adapted to primary care, NIMH R-34, 2007-2010, Vets Prevail, 2008-20011). Additional work has included implementation, epidemiology and case studies supporting the development of scalable depression-prevention models in health systema and community settings.

Chronic disease management and healthcare costs: September 2014, 1C1CMS331342-01-00 (Healthcare Innovation Award, Coordination of Healthcare for Complex Kids, $19,500,000, Benjamin Van Voorhees, Project Director). This project includes a multi-channel approach to reduce costs and improve outcomes in children and emerging adults with chronic diseases. The project eventually incorporated risk stratification and attempted to contact > 17,000 children, enrolled > 6,300 and provided > 230,000 services over four years using both technology and human contact.

Ongoing Research Projects Heading link

Lab Members Heading link

Benjamin Van Voorhees, MD, MPH

George R. Honig, MD, PhD, Endowed Professor in Pediatrics and Head, Department of Pediatrics
Professor of Medicine
Physician-in-Chief, Childrens Hospital University of Illinois
Department of Pediatrics, University of Illinois at Chicago
Children’s Hospital,  University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System

Tracy Gladstone, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior
Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Brown University

Calvin Rusiewski, BMBS

Research Associate I
University of Illinois at Chicago

Shion Kabasele, Psy.M.

Research Associate II
University of Illinois at Chicago

Kristin Berg, PhD, AM

Associate Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago

Iulia Mihaila, PhD

VST Research Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago

Caterina Patriarca

Research Associate II
University of Illinois at Chicago

Colleen Styles, PhD

Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago

Kristen Kenan, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
University of Illinois at Chicago

Osama Al Zoubi, MD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Illinois at Chicago

Brady Goodwin, DO

Post-Doctoral Affiliate
University of Illinois at Chicago

Michael Gerges, MA, LCPC

Executive Director, CHECK
University of Illinois at Chicago

Hélène Gussin, PhD, MBA, MPH, CRA

Director of Administrative Operations
University of Illinois at Chicago

News Heading link

Grants Heading link

  • #IHS-2017C3-9333 (Van Voorhees MD MPH: Co-PI)
    Date: 03/01/2019-02/28/2024
    Project: Primary Care and Community-based Prevention of Mental Disorders in Adolescents.

  • #IHS- 2017C3-9333 (Van Voorhees MD MPH: Co-PI)
    Date: 7/15/2020-7/14/21
    Project: Primary Care and Community Based Prevention of Mental Disorders in Adolescents

  • 1 R01 MH124723-01 (Van Voorhees MD MPH: Co-PI)
    Date: 12/1/2020-10/31/2024
    Project: Primary Care Based Depression Prevention in Adolescents: Intervention Optimization in Preparation for Implementation Study

  • #IHS- 106803 (Van Voorhees MD MPH: Co-PI)
    Date: 112/1/2021-11/30/2027
    Project: BEhavioral Health Stratified Treatment (BEST) to Optimize Transition to Adulthood for Youth with IDD

  • 3R01MH124723-04S1 (Van Voorhees: PI; Kenan: co-I)
    Date: 1/10/2024-10/31/2024
    Project: Diversity Supplement

Completed Projects Heading link

Service Delivery Heading link

  • 8,800 mental health assessments
  • 47,949 total mental health services
  • 10,647 mental health consultations
  • 7,055 direct mental health interventions
  • 4,631 referrals
  • 16,872 preventative interventions

Health Care Coordination

  • 6,301 patients engaged in CHECK
  • 183,525 total services delivered to patients
  • 19,840 screenings and care plans
  • 3,633 patient visits
  • 15,470 successful contacts
  • 27,331 health promotion/education services
  • 17,221 referrals
  • 8,294 consultations
  • 14 clinical partners with 44 sites
  • 42 dental mobile events serving 40 CHECK patients

Scholarship Heading link

  • 26 manuscripts/articles in print, under review, or in progress
  • 16 scientific presentations
    Including, 2018 Pediatric Academic Societies, Scientific Session for Invited Science (Dr. Minier, Dr. Martin, Dr. Caskey, Dr. Pappalardo, Dr. Glassgow and Dr. Van Voorhees)

  • 10 grants submitted
    Including, a U01 to the NIH-National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Co-PIs, Dr. Martin and Dr. Caskey; Co-Is, Dr. Berbaum, Dr. Boucher-Berry, Dr. Glassgow, Dr. Hsu, Dr. Kim, Dr. Pappalardo, Dr. Pillers and Dr. Van Voorhees)

  • 20 faculty have contributed to CHECK scholarship
  • Developed a nationally unique Database with more than 17,000 children and youth